Here are the current scheduled posts for the Quilt Along. We will be learning the ins and outs of curve piecing from amazing quilters Emily Cier, Jacquie Gering, Amanda Woodruff, and Kate Conklin. We will also be getting some Groovy Quilting tips from Quilting Extraordinaire Angela Walters. This will be a fantastic learning experience, and a great opportunity to meet some new quilting friends!
- August 2nd - Planning and Choosing your Fabric (and if you need fabric, I’ve arranged for a 20% discount on Kona Cotton at Fat Quarter Shop)
- August 9th - Meet the Totally Groovy Designer, Emily Cier
- August 16th - Cutting your templates
- August 22nd - Intro to Curves Piecing by Alyssa Lichner
- August 23rd - Piecing Traditional Curves by Jacquie Gering at Tallgrass Prairie Studio
- August 30th - Piecing Curves without Pins by Kate Conklin at Kate Conklin Designs
- September 6th - Piecing Curves without Pins by Emily Cier at Carolina Patchworks
- September 7th - Piecing Curves with a Curve Master Foot by Amanda Woodruff at A Crafty Fox
- September 13th - Putting all the pieces together, finishing your quilt top
- September 20th - Choosing a Backing Design
- September 27th - A Look at Emily Cier's New Book Pixel Play
- October 4th - Totally Groovy Quilting Tips by Angela Walters from Quilting is my Therapy
- October 18th - Wrapping up and linky party begins
- October 25th - Submissions do for Grand Prize Winners
Throughout the course of the QAL, participants will have the chance to win AMAZING prizes from the following Sponsors. For exact prize details you can visit Pile O' Fabric
The Pattern
Carolina Patchworks will be offering all QAL Participants a discount on her pattern.- 20% off 2 or more (a great chance to get another one of Emily's wonderful patterns) code: TOTALLYGROOVY
- 15% off Groove Paper Pattern code: GROOVEPAPER
- 15% off Groove PDF Pattern code: GROOVEPDF
The Fabric
Fat Quarter Shop is offering all QAL Participants a 20% Discount on all KONA cotton from now till August 30th using code: Sewing101Pile O' Fabric is having a giveaway for a Totally Groovy Quilt Package! Everything you need to join the fun $75 to The Fat Quarter Shop to get your fabric and a Groove Quilt Pattern to Quilt Along! This giveaway ends July 31st.
Flickr Group
Join the flickr group, which can be found here. This will be a great place for us to come together and share photos of our progress and get to know each other.Totally Groovy Button
If you’d like to let people know what fun you are up to or invite your friends to join here is a button!
<div align="center"><a href="http://pileofabric.com/post/1001884-totally-groovy-quilt-along-with-prizes" title="Pile O' Fabric"><img src="http://pileofabric.com/Events/totally-groovy-qal/button_sm2.jpg" alt="Pile O' Fabric" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Sign up and be entered into a drawing to win a pattern!
Pile O' Fabric would like to get an approximate head count of you all. If you plan to join and Quilt Along please fill out the sign up form, this will NOT commit you to anything. If you sign up you will be entered into a drawing to win 1 of 10 Groove Patterns (paper).
For complete details of The Totally Groovy Quilt Along you can visit Alyssa at Pile O' Fabric.
Promotional Partners
If you want more chances to win a Groove Pattern then check out these other blogging friends who have offered to help promote the QAL. Some will be giving patterns away!- July 14th - Taryn @ Pixels to Patchwork
- July 16th - Jacey @ JaceyCraft
- July 17th - Angela Walters @ Quilting is my Therapy
- July 18th - Tessa @ The Sewing Chick
- July 19th - Erica @ Kitchen Table Quilting
- July 20th - Kelly @ Live. Love. Create
- July 21st - Jacquie @ Tallgrass Praire Studio
- July 22nd - Jennifer @ Ellison Lane Quilts
- July 23rd - Heidi @ Fabric Mutt
- July 24th - Beth @ Plum and June
- July 25th - Barbara @ Monumental Quilts
- July 26th - Allegory @ Sew Allegorical
- July 27th - Danny @ Mommyforreals
- July 28th - Penny @ Sew Take a Hike
- July 31st - Amanda @ A Crafty Fox
- August 1st - Kate @ Kate Conklin Designs
Would you like a chance to win a paper copy of Carolina Patchworks Groove Quilt pattern? I am giving one away to one lucky commenter! |
38 comments so far. What are your thoughts?
Lucky number 1....yeah! Right now I am loving wisteria, but I probably will not use it for this quilt. Thanks for the chance to win the pattern. I can't wait for the qal to start!
My current favourite is Aubergine, which would look great in this quilt.
I love Lime!
Thanks for a chance to win this great pattern!
I think my favorite color right now is the Sprout or Citrus.
Lagoon is always the first one that comes to mind :)
I love Lagoon and Ash.
I know it's boring but my fave is white.
I love chartreuse!!
I love Caribbean and Coal
At the moment it's tomato.
and it could change tomorrow too
I use snow a lot, but I love the new colors, especially Alegria.
I have a lot of favorites, but school bus is #1 right now
I really love the Totally Groovy quilt - I haven't done anything with curves yet, so that would be exciting. :) I have a lot of Kona favorites.. I think I'll go with Pacific.
Ooh thank you for the giveaway! I really need to figure out what colors to use for that quilt, it's just so great with the ones they used. My favorite Kona color is peapod this week at least!
I like cornflower. Thanks for the giveaway!
Cerise has my eye right now!
My favorite color of the kona solids is salmon.
Right now I think it is slate
Thanks for the giveaway!
Difficult to say, what my favorite Kona color is. I love the softness of Kona Coral! Not a red person, but this one is very pretty!
Kind of hung up on Cactus right now, but that changes weekly! Thanks for the chance to win.
Today my favourite is periwinkle, tomorrow it may well be something else, too much choice is not always a good thing!
thanks for the giveaway
chartreuse! love that green!
Oh boy, so many great colors. I'll say cornflower and ash.
Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win. This quilt is totally out of the box for me but I love it.
I am currently using sunshine. I think its my favorite right now!
My fave Kona solid is Hyacinth because I love my blues.
Pond is my current favorite as I love aquas & turquoises... Thanks for a chance to win! :)
Right now its Amethyst! But I reserve the right to change my mind!! hehe Thanks for the give away
My favourite is Hyacinth, but there are many fantastic colours.
My current favorite Kona is coal, but mine changes a lot too! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Mine is Snow. I use it in almost everything. Thanks!!
gnpkrupp at netzero dot net
I love Ruby! Thanks for the giveaway! This looks like a very fun QAL!
Robin Egg...somany to love, but I always come back to Robin Egg! And some sprout:^)
My favorite color is Medium Gray. It goes with so much!
My favorite kona is Charcoal. I use it in so many things. It is a fantastic solid.
I *love* Crocus! Can't wait for the QAL!
Now I like Ruby, but there are many fantastic colours. Thanks for the giveaway!
gboshko at gmail.com
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